martes, 4 de julio de 2017


Some tips to practise English in summer: 
Summer is the time of the year when you should put into practice all the English learnt this academic year. This post is devoted to giving you some recommendations to keep up your English!!!.

  1. If you go to an English speaking country, either to do an English course or simply for leisure, make the most of it and immerse yourself in its culture.
  2. If you go on holiday to a tourist resort and you have the chance to talk to English speaking holidaymakers, don´t be shy and do it. Simple dialogues such us asking or giving directions, talking about  the weather, or about free time activities... will definitely improve your English skills and your self-confidence.
  3. If you are not going on holiday abroad, it is not a problem, you can still listen to your favourite English songs. Don´t miss the opportunity to learn new vocabulary and revise grammar. There is a website where you can listen to your favourite songs and practise your English by doing some exercises with different levels and at your own pace . This is the link:
  4. Films: there is always a film for every taste. Remember to watch films in their original version with or without subtitles depending on your level. 
  5. It is always good to be updated with what is happening around the world. That´s why I  recommend reading and watching the News in English:

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