martes, 4 de julio de 2017


Fourth of July.
This day in history, America claimed its independence from Britain in 1776.
The presentation you are about to see shows you what Americans do to celebrate this event every year.

2 comentarios:

  1. No doubt it is one of the most relevant days for America. And Americans are special to celebrate this type of events. Let us think of Halloween or Christmas Days. A really glorious day of America, the birth of a great nation. Huge, with a variety of oontrast in landscape, in states, in its people. The pioneers were significant, Abraham Lincoln, as an example. A nation to admire that makes one eager to discover! From the Niagara Falls, to the dessert of Arrizona, from the Cosmopolitan city of New York to California and Hollywood Studios. From Chicago to the Caribbean Florida... wow! I wish i could have time (and money) to spend on a trip there. One day, maybe... Not to forget its Young history and not less interesting for the previous reason. And its culture, from artists to writeres have always praised a worthy USA

  2. Thank you Susana, I couldn´t agree with you more.
