jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016


Today is Thanksgiving day and our American language assistant has done a presentation about it.
Some students have asked to see it again to revise vocabulary and grammar issues. So, here is her lesson for thanksgiving. First is a video explaining the history of Thanksgiving:  click on this link

Then, a powerpoint about food items eaten at Thanksgiving:

Lastly for a writing activity they have completed this Thanksgiving poem "Thanksgiving Acrostic poem":

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016


You are about to watch two short videos explaing the past perfect simple tense.
After that, you can revise and do the exercises proposed in the following links:
Past perfect simple revision and exercises (level I )
Past perfect simple extention exercises (level II )

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016


This is a British festive day which is celebrated on November 5th. The tradition started to celebrate the failure of a plan to blow up King James I and the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Watch the following video  co-produced by the BBC and The British Council and find out all about it.
After watching the video, there are some suggested activities: reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises. Besides, the page provides you with worksheets and downloads together with the transcript. This is the link:  Bonfire night activities .