martes, 17 de enero de 2017


Colloquial language can be defined as informal spoken language.
 Today we are learning to identify and use the colloquial contractions “wanna, gotta, and gonna.”and other informal words you can hear in some modern songs. You should definitely not use them in formal written English (reports, research papers, formal e-mails, etc), in which case, you need to spell them out in long form. But learning to use them correctly in your speaking and writing will make your communication much more effective.
Here is a short video that shows some colloquial forms in different songs:

                            As an extention activity, you can do more exercises about English informal language in the following link: English informal language

lunes, 9 de enero de 2017


As an extention activity, you are about to see a video about 10 inventions which will make your life easier. Watch the video and answer the questions proposed in the following link: 10 Inventions Quiz
Which one do you like the most? Why?.


We are starting the year with some new resolutions.
Watch this video clip and answer the questions based on what you see and hear. This is the link to the activity: New year´s resolutions.