miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015


Attraction´s shadow Theatre Photo.
 This post is devoted to encouraging creativity by stimulating student´s imagination.
According to Fiona Mauchline, teacher, teacher trainer and materials writer, promoting creativity in the classroom resolves around emotional investment, engaging the senses, playing with language and conveying absolute personalisation in the outcome.
 The activity I have chosen is related to a video clip that deals with the Cycle of Life in a creative way. Every video tells a story so, as a warming up exercise, we could ask students to describe:
  •  what they see 
  • what they hear 
  • how they feel
  •  who they see 
  • whether they like it or not and why?... 
Another activity we could do is to revise the vocabulary related to family and then to describe a favourite member of their family: their physical appearance and other aspects such as emotions, senses... This exercise could be also used to revise the present simple tense. We could ask questions such us:
  • What colour of eyes, hair, skin has he/she got ?
  •  What does his/ her voice sound like ? 
  • What makes him/ her laugh ? 
  • How does she /he walk?
  • What do you have in common?... 
 Finally, students could write a short essay titled "Imagine Life " using the vocabulary and language  grammar used in the class.

This is the video clip. The show is perfomed by the Shadow Theatre Group.

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