martes, 27 de octubre de 2015


National Museum Wales
This day in history Dylan Thomas was born in 1914 at the start of World War I. His first home was in Swansea, in South Wales. Later he lived in England, and visited America, but Wales was his real home. He died in 1953.
 Dylan Thomas is the most famous Welsh poet, and his most famous work is "Under Milk Wood". It was first broadcast on radio by the BBC in 1954. It is about the people of a small town in Wales.
 In his poems, he used words in fresh and exciting ways. He loved the sounds of words, so his poems are great for reading aloud. He wrote about his life, his friends, and about Wales. Some poems are serious, some are funny.
For further information, I recommend visiting the following links: Dylan Thomas
bbc one Dylan Thomas
Under Milk Wood
Do not go gentle into that good night

I will include a prezi presentation about Dylan Thomas, his life and the analysis of one of his poems: "being but men".

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